Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pastor's Notes

This past Monday, Betty Wright went home to be with the Lord. Betty has been a dear friend, and one who has been a great encouragement to me in the ministry. I have missed her presence in the services over the last several months, and will miss her words of encouragement in the years to come.

Sarah was invited to go shopping on Thursday, and Mom even paid for the baby sitter so that it was just her and mom shopping. If I understood her correctly she was able to finish shopping for everyone in one day. I am so glad that I do not have to go shopping now. I guess I do need to get a gift for her. I am still racking my brain for an idea, which makes it hard for me to get something, and I do not like to just go looking until I find something.

As we approach the Christmas season, please feel free to bring in poinsettias and place them in the front of the church. The flowers will add to the beauty of the sanctuary as we prepare to celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This is a time of year when we can remember that Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, was born to die for our sin. His birth and death was in the perfect timing of God's will.

It is my desire to see our children's programs grow, especially after the New Year. If you know some young people, please invite them to our Sunday School, Junior Church, and Sailor's Kids programs. Obviously, there is a service for the adults during these times as well.

-Pastor Stephen Racite