Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pastor's Notes

    Last week, the church membership made a determination to pursue the possibility of reuniting with Maranatha Bible Church. Our Greatest desire is to see if this is the Lord's will for our two ministries. We will be meeting for combined churches in September and a committee of members from both churches will be working on the logistics of reuniting, seeking whether this is the will of God, and how to accomplish this reuniting practically. During September, there will be one offering for both ministries that will go into the General Fund of the Cornwall Baptist Church. All expenses of both ministries that will be paid from that General Fund. Next Sunday there will be a Question and Answer time with the congregation. Perhaps you have some questions concerning what we are hoping to accomplish, and what the end result will look like. You may have questions that we have not considered, please bring them so that we can either answer them, or admit that we do not know the answer to them and research them out.

    This Friday, there will be many opportunities to remember the cowardly attack by a bunch of thugs on our country and the men and women who quickly went into action, giving of their lives to rescue others. We thank the men and women of the police, fire, and ambulance corps who worked tirelessly in rescuing American civilians from these attacks. Our appreciation also goes to the men and women of our military who are currently serving to defeat this enemy, and to those who have given their lives to purchase for us liberty and freedom. May we always be grateful for those who stand in the line of duty to maintain that we have the freedoms we so greatly enjoy.

- Pastor Stephen Racite